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My name is Bob Xiong and I am a Visual Designer living in San Diego, California. I specialize in illustration and digital editing.  I believe imagination through art and design can achieve the highest standards of visualization.

As a child I've always had a interest in art because of my wild imaginations. One of the best ways to get my ideas into the world was drawing and painting; Gradually I began the path towards being an artist.

Throughout my high school and early college years I've taken on majors such as computer science and biotechnology. As life progressed however, I've always turned to art and design for extra income.  Art had always been a "hobby" and never thought of as a career. When I was in college I was broke and couldn't afford any holiday presents, so I decided I should design something for my friends instead. Today, one of those gifts that I had designed for my friends is now his business logo. I figured out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life after selling that logo so then I pursued art.

One of my many adventures into the wild. 
This is St. Croix River bordering Minnesota and Wisconsin. Carved over time by moving glaciers, this part of the river features high cliff faces and jagged rocks surrounded by lush green forest.


I love traveling whenever I can and one of my all time favorite things to do is hiking.

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